Sunday, 19 June 2011

A Flimsy message

Hi all,
Rachael here.
I'm going to be putting Flimsy on hiatus for a little while, around three months probably.
I need to work on a few projects and also my new website. I do love Flimsy dearly though so I really do intend to bring her back again :) I think she might just need a little rest after reaching 1000 days. (Translation: my cat-drawing hand hurts?)

Please do keep checking back, and feel free to say hello to her here: flimsy(at)

Meanwhile, I'd love for you to take the odd look at what other illustration adventures I'm having over at my other blog:

I love you all,
Thanks for supporting Flimsy all this time, and thanks doubly to all those who sent in pictures for her 1000 celebration, it was magical.

Rachael xxxxx

Saturday, 18 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Fan post - Vera Frasson!

This is the LAST guest post I'll be doing on the Flimsy blog (this year...?) so enjoy!
This one is by the wonderful Vera Frasson from Switzerland, thank you so much Vera!!!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Designer Post - Joel Greenwood

This (slightly scary!) guest Flimsy was done by an awesome dude I know - Joel Greenwood.
He also makes awesome musics - check him out here:

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest fan post - Kathy Lai

These too adorably sweet drawings are by Kathy Lai - thanks so much Kathy!
I love them :D

Monday, 13 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Illustrator Post - Fluffy!

This guest post was drawn by the incredibly cutely named: Fluffy!
I love Flimsy's expression in this picture - she SO wants to be a god friend but sometimes she finds it so difficult!

If you'd like to see more of Fluffy's stuff, you can visit THIS site.

R xxx

1000 Flimsys - Guest fan post - Jaclyn Gifford

Hey, thanks Jaclyn for this super SUPER cute pic of Flimsy sunning herself in Jamaica :)
I love it!
R xxxx

1000 Flimsys - Guest fan Post - Hannah Nicklin!

This guest Flimsy pic is done by the marrrrveloso Hannah Nicklin.
Thanks Hannah!
You should all follow Hannah on the Twitters - she is pretty awesome.

R xxx

Sunday, 12 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest fan post - Kitty Meeks

These super-cute drawings were done by uber-Flimsy fan Kitty Meeks!

Kitty suggested I cut out the images and post them separately, but I kinda dig how they're all on the same page - I think they fit together in a charming way :) Hope you don't mind Kitty!

Kitty had this to say about her submission:
"I went for a series of drawings showing Flimsy in my life, as I'm a fan of her and as you know I have my little Flimsy doll and a couple of your drawings. The last one of the bath picture right outside the bathroom door is a true story - that's actually where i have it!!"

I think that's totally sweet, thanks so much Kittyyyy!
R xxxx

1000 Flimsys - Guest fan post - Adam Lang

A brilliant (slightly recycled? :D) picture of Flimsy by my good friend Adam Lang.
Cheers Adam! You're awesome.
R xxx

Saturday, 11 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Fabric Designer Post! - Adrian

Aren't they gorgeous?? Adrian describes them as 'dancing-kitten-tweed-ombré-jacquards', I think I like that description almost as much as the images themselves :D

Adrian was also kind enough to scan in a little tiny piece about Flimsy in the Swiss magazine 'Friday'. Pretty awesome, huh? Thanks Adrian!

Friday, 10 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Illustrator Post - Sally Renner!

I think this charming drawing of Flimsy the Kitten is best described by the guest artist herself :D

"...I have done a little drawing of Flimsy. I got thinking about how she's a cat and what would happen if she found herself in the Owl and the Pussycat nursery rhyme. I must say that I also wouldn't know what I should do with a runcible spoon if I came across one, but I don't know if my idea is a bit too random! My ideas usually are...
Congratulations on Flimsy's 1000th day birthday!
Love, Sally x"

Sally, you drawing is so so so charismatic and I LOVE it so much! Thank you!

Thursday, 9 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Illustrator Post - Lotte!

I got these totally sweet drawings from Lotte, who does the Poly in Pictures webcomic.
Aren't they cute? :D

Thank you so much, Lotte! xxx

Anyone else feeling inspired? I'm posting other people's Flimsy pictures all this week.
Send stuff to:

R xxx

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Artist Post - Hamish Walker

Cool dude Hamish Walker has done two re-interpretations of my very first flimsy post. I think they're pretty rad. Who'd have thought Flimsy would have trouble making desicions even when she is ANTIMATTER?

Cheers Hamish! I never, ever would have thought of doing an inverted Flimsy :)

Anyone else feeling inspired? I'm posting other people's Flimsy pictures all this week.Send stuff to:

Thanks to everyone who has sent fanstuff so far, I will be posting them ALL this week don't you worry :D

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Illustrator Post - Stephanie O'Donnell

Today's guest post is by the awesome, New York-based Stephanie O'Donnell.
Stephanie draws the highly addictive 'Perfect Agent' comic, do take a look if you like powerful-hot girls ;)

More info about the lovely Stephanie can be found at these web places:
Artist Portfolio:

Thanks Stephanie! Keep up the good work :D

Anyone else feeling inspired? I'm posting other people's Flimsy pictures all this week.
Send stuff to:

Monday, 6 June 2011

1000 Flimsys - Guest Illustrator Post - Paul Shinn

Hello all!
Well this is the first (ever!) guest illustrator post here on the Flimsy Blog.
These three adorable pictures are by my incredibly talented friend Paul Shinn.
Can you guess the films? It's pretty easy...

Thanks Paul! You're awesome.
Anyone else feeling inspired? I'm posting other people's Flimsy pictures all this week.
Send stuff to:

Love you, byeeee
R xxx

Sunday, 5 June 2011


Hey Flimsy fans,

Today is a special day. Today marks the 1000th post on the Flimsy the Kitten blog! Woo! Yeah! (etc.) But before you all go throwing themed parties and making blue cocktails, I need you to help me...
To celebrate this occasion I am asking YOU, the Flimsy fans to send your own interpretations of our blue, feline friend.
Over the next couple of days I'll hopefully be having some guest illustrators strut their stuff, but I'd really like to open it up to everyone during the week.
So even if you're not an artist or illustrator please do get involved! You don't have to follow the usual way I tell Flimsy stories - you could do something totally different.

I'll be showcasing anything that comes in (provided it's clean...and not offensive) over the next 7 days. After that I may take a break from Flimsy while I work on my new website but I haven't decided yet...I'll keep you guys in the loop though, don't worry.

Let me know your name and if you want me to put a link to your site or whatever.

Good luck :)

R xxx

Saturday, 4 June 2011


To buy today's original artwork please email:

Friday, 3 June 2011


To buy today's original artwork please email:

Thursday, 2 June 2011


To buy today's original artwork please email:

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


To buy today's original artwork please email: