Rachael here.
I'm going to be putting Flimsy on hiatus for a little while, around three months probably.
I need to work on a few projects and also my new website. I do love Flimsy dearly though so I really do intend to bring her back again :) I think she might just need a little rest after reaching 1000 days. (Translation: my cat-drawing hand hurts?)
Please do keep checking back, and feel free to say hello to her here: flimsy(at)rachaelsmith.org
Meanwhile, I'd love for you to take the odd look at what other illustration adventures I'm having over at my other blog: http://rachaelsmithillustration.blogspot.com/
I love you all,
Thanks for supporting Flimsy all this time, and thanks doubly to all those who sent in pictures for her 1000 celebration, it was magical.
Rachael xxxxx
Understandable! Reaching 100 Flimsy's is amazing and I am looking forward to signing up to follow your main illustration blog :D
Flimsy will be missed! I think she deserves a break for a bit, as I know she'll be back more awesome than ever (also, since I was pretty late onto the Flimsy scene, there are still like 800+ that I can look through for a pick-me-up haha.
Definitely following your main blog!
I'll look forward to Flimsy coming back, in the meantime I'm gonna check out your other blog :)
OKAY. I hope you do come back because I have been totally enjoying your singular vision for an hour now. This blog is brilliant in all the right ways. It should be a book, then a movie. Then a line of playsets. Nice work.
This is posted at http://calvinscanadiancaveofcool.blogspot.com/
"I was goofing around online the other day and found this great blog about a little purple cat named Flimsy. For 1000 posts the creator, Rachel Smith, found something to say and draw about this character. Blogs like this, that have a vision behind them, are my most favorite blogs to read. I will be reposting many many a flimsy in the years to come so deal with it. Long live Flimsy!
I miss Flimsy :( may we have a monthly new flimsy maybe?! ;) xx
Has it been 3 months yet?
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