Rachael here.
I'm going to be putting Flimsy on hiatus for a little while, around three months probably.
I need to work on a few projects and also my new website. I do love Flimsy dearly though so I really do intend to bring her back again :) I think she might just need a little rest after reaching 1000 days. (Translation: my cat-drawing hand hurts?)
Please do keep checking back, and feel free to say hello to her here: flimsy(at)rachaelsmith.org
Meanwhile, I'd love for you to take the odd look at what other illustration adventures I'm having over at my other blog: http://rachaelsmithillustration.blogspot.com/
I love you all,
Thanks for supporting Flimsy all this time, and thanks doubly to all those who sent in pictures for her 1000 celebration, it was magical.
Rachael xxxxx